
Description:Psyched is a scheduling and task management application.
Description Updated:June 22, 2011 CE @ 05:18:49 UTC
Latest Releasepsyched-0.1.5.tar.gz
December 14, 2010 CE @ 19:32:52 UTC
Description:PWT is a very simple command line Twitter client for those who like minimalism.
Description Updated:January 13, 2011 CE @ 05:09:52 UTC
Latest Releasepwt-0.2.tar.bz2
January 4, 2010 CE @ 01:34:06 UTC
Description:PyFBUploader is a Python script for uploading Photos using the Facebook Platform.
Description Updated:July 28, 2008 CE @ 21:58:35 UTC
Latest Releasepyfbuploader-0.0.2.tar.bz2
May 21, 2008 CE @ 01:00:50 UTC
Description:Riverfish is a python library for creating iterable, seekable sparse lists in a Memcached 1.4 protocol key/value store.
Description Updated:January 13, 2011 CE @ 05:50:41 UTC
Description:Publish Markdown to your Kindle in one command.
Description Updated:March 18, 2012 CE @ 00:15:05 UTC
Latest Releasemarkdown-kindle-0.2.tgz
May 22, 2011 CE @ 23:23:32 UTC
Description:Shorty is an IRC bot that uses TinyURL to shorten long links.
Description Updated:April 17, 2011 CE @ 23:11:30 UTC

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