Yes, I mean you

Posted by Eric Stein - September 20, 2006 CE @ 21:24:00 UTC
You periodically IM me, asking usually the same question. I wouldn't mind answering it, but something in the back of my mind tells me not to.

I'll give you one guess what that is. Yes, that's right. When you say things like 'r u there' instead of 'are you there?', that really gets to me. When you can't learn to spell a four letter acronym correctly, that gets to me. You're not a bad person, but I just can't make myself talk to you when every word you say screams "I'm a gibbering idiot!".

When you start speaking english, I'll start responding again.

Yes, I really do mean you. I'll know that you caught on, believe me. Don't mention it.


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