XChat windows - exclusive features?

Posted by Eric Stein - June 29, 2006 CE @ 17:29:29 UTC
The XChat official Windows build has some features that they would have you think are not available in the open source version.
* Added an option of using 'Last-Spoke' nick completion order in Settings > Input Box.
When I saw that in the windows changelog, I immediately wanted it in my build, as I often tab complete incorrectly and make an idiot of myself. So, off to the source I go! Using grep, I find this tasty little tidbit:
./fkeys.c:1512:                 if (prefs.completion_sort == 1) /* sort in last-talk order? */
./fkeys.c-1513-                         tmp_list = g_list_sort (tmp_list, (void *)talked_recent_cmp);
Well, it looks like I don't have to code this myself! Back to my still-running xchat instance:
/set completion_sort 1
[13:21:02]completion_sort set to: 1
Success! My tab complete now sorts by lastspoke, not just alphabetic order. As it turns out, this 'Windows only' feature is just not exposed in the gui settings dialog under Linux.


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