VIM: I guess that does make sense...

Posted by Eric Stein - July 3, 2008 CE @ 03:45:07 UTC
Sometimes developers toss a few little amusing strings and commands into their programs. VIM is no exception. There are some useful and amusing command in VIM which are real gems.
ggVGg?  Change text to Rot13
ggguG   Set all text to lowercase
Hard to remember? Yup. Long? Sure. Gives you the suspicion that VIM has some sort of compressed bytecode command system? Definitely. But what really takes the cake is the command to browse files.
:Sex    Split window and open integrated file explorer
That's definitely not a coincidence. Can't be. Somebody wanted this to be in VIM, and made it so. Unknown coder, you've really got what it takes to say what you mean. I salute you.


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