The US government wastes time at work

Posted by Eric Stein - August 11, 2006 CE @ 02:08:39 UTC
Workers at National Science Foundation, Los Alamos National Labs, National Institute of Science and Technology, the California Department of Water Resources, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Oceanic & Atomospheric Administration, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, US Department of Justice, National Institutes of Health, Arizona Attorney General, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygeine, The Pennsylvania Senate, Minerals Management Service, Open Source Information System, US Courts, and The City of Gaithersburg all waste time by browsing Fark at work.

NIST, the Washington DC city government, and Sandia National Labs want to know how HOPE 6 went - so they visit my blog. Kudos to NIST for using Firefox.

Los Alamos National Laboratory likes my cat pictures. The US Geological Survey wants to set up dual monitors with Xorg and doesn't know how.

How do I know this? Logs that track everything everyone does on my site. That's right, US Government. If you want to watch me, I'll watch you.


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