Update - or as I prefer to call it, I hate IE

Posted by Eric Stein - May 26, 2006 CE @ 08:41:58 UTC
One week ago, the server was running FreeBSD 4.11, my site still looked terrible, and this blog didn't exist. I still had no idea how I was going to organize my site and pull my content together. Through lots of hard work and procrastination of more important things, I've fixed all those problems. Now I'm running fresh new FreeBSD 6.1 (YES!) and my site design is nearing full CSS use for layout and design.

I was getting pretty frustrated with IE's CSS incompliance and fuming on IRC when a friend referred me to Dean Edwards' IE7 JavaScript package. It does a fantastic job of fixing most of IE's annoying compatibility problems! Check it out if you get angry at Microsoft's products as easily as I do.

Edit: you might notice that the previous two posts are dated before the blog was created. I wrote them as individual pages and they are backdated to when I actually wrote them.


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