A Delicious Chili

Posted by Eric Stein - October 18, 2009 CE @ 03:05:54 UTC
I'm posting to tell you about a recipe I've been making frequently in the last year. It's a beanless chili of the pretty spicy persuasion based on Turkey meat rather than Beef. I got it from a cookbook PDF that I downloaded once, but I don't remember where that is or precisely what it was called, so I'll just post the recipe itself.

It only takes about 20 minutes preparation time to make this once you've got it down, and about 45 minutes of cooking.



1. Heat olive oil in large sauce pan over high heat add onions sprinkle with a little salt and saute until they become translucent.
2. Add garlic wait 30-45 secs until garlic is light brown but not burnt.
3. Add package of turkey stir until cooked.
4. Add the tomatoes, jalapenos, and salsa.
5. Continue stirring until everything comes to a boil.
6. Add cumin and chili powder, stir.
7. Cover, reduce heat to low, and allow to simmer for 45mins-1hour.


Last Edited October 18, 2009 CE @ 03:13:14 UTC


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