Summer, Among Other Things

Posted by Eric Stein - May 3, 2008 CE @ 05:16:38 UTC
And so it begins. I'm home for the summer, and mostly caught up on sleep, if not caught up on anything else - I think I slep about 20 hours today. Now I get to unpack all my hastily packed things, clean everything, and get some consulting work done. I'll probably be releasing Psyched 0.1.3 within a week or so, as well.

Radio License!

A few days ago the paperwork finally went through at the FCC - I'm now a licensed HAM, callsign KB1QLE. I don't have a radio yet, but I'm on the lookout for one - preferably a dual band portable, but I might make do with a single band that scans.


I've recently signed on with an MQP advisor, Craig Wills. For those no familiar with the MQP, it's a project drawing heavily on one's major that WPI undergraduates must complete to graduate.

We're still thinking about what exactly my project will be; several ideas have been put out there but there is nothing definite yet. I'm probably going to be doing my project alone, as I've heard plenty of horror stories about MQP partners being incompetent, not being motivated, or just plain not doing any serious work.


#3917 - JulianH, May 13, 2008 CE @ 18:52:11 UTC
Nice captcha.
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