So I Heard What I Did This Summer

Posted by Eric Stein - April 1, 2008 CE @ 19:15:40 UTC
As to what I'm going to do with the rest of my life, I haven't the faintest idea. This summer is a different matter - I know what I'll be doing.

I've accepted an internship position at Mercury Computer Systems, where I will be working on networking projects & multiprocessing. It should be a very interesting and educational job that'll look good on my resume - not to mention that it pays well, so I'll live less like a starving college student next year.

I may be living in Worcester this summer, at the apartment I'm leasing for senior year. Depending on how I work out the transportation issue, I may be living at home for part of the summer, too. Hopefully there will be other WPI people living in Worcester this summer.


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