Skiing & Stolen Cars

Posted by Eric Stein - December 24, 2007 CE @ 03:27:28 UTC
The plan was this: to go skiing at Mad River Glen over the weekend. We planned to drive starting at 6am to get there about when the lifts opened on Saturday. We packed the car with skis and equipment and went to bed.

Then we hallucinated vividly for several hours and forgot the details of the whole experience.

Upon waking up, we took the last few bags, and went out to the car. That's where our troubles began. The car was not there. And although we considered it as a possibility, it had not moved several hundred feet up the road for fun, either. We were forced to conclude that the car had been misappropriated by strangers while we slept.

At this point we called the police and reported it stolen. Mel and I thought there was no use being up at the ungodly hour of 6AM anymore, so we went back to bed. Dad drove town hoping to spot the car.

Fast forward to 10AM. Status of family members:
Who should call us, but the police? A rough reconstruction of the conversation that ensued:

<Mom> hi
<Police> could I speak to David Stein please?
<Mom> who is this?
<Police> This is the police department.
<Mom> what? Are you pulling a prank?
<Police> this really is the police.
<Mom> okay...
<Police> let him know that we found the stolen vehicle.
<Mom> WHAT?!
<Mel, from downstairs> THEY FOUND IT!?

Strangely, the thieves didn't take our skis. They had gone off the road into a snowbank and left the car running, sans radio (and a pair of slippers).

The moral of the story: car thieves like slippers and not all stolen cars are never found.


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