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Posted by Eric Stein - August 1, 2006 CE @ 15:47:54 UTC
I had my wisdom teeth out last Wednesday. This means that I'm subsisting on pudding, Jello, and other things that don't hurt when I eat them. Wait, they hurt too. Anyways, I'll survive.

The project I'm working on for North Solar Screen is still moving, and I'm still not worried about the amount of time I have left (3 weeks). Yes, the rate at which I write code will increase exponentially as the deadline approaches.

For a long time, I've been reluctant to put too much about my real life on my blog or the rest of my site. However, this is about to change. I realized that what I already put out there tells more than anyone would ever want to know about me anyways. If people want to know about me, they can find out. There are more vectors of doing this than I want to even think about. Surprise, what you put up publically on the Internet can be connected to you!

If someone wants to hire me, not hire me, fire me, not fire me, give me a raise, or never talk to me again, that's their problem. I am who I am and deliberately changing to suit you isn't going to happen.


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