Off The Grid Comms

Posted by Eric Stein - July 19, 2008 CE @ 15:55:16 UTC
Here at HOPE the current talk is discussing various methods for communicating without using corpoorate and government controlled and monitored infrastucture that we're all accustomed to.

As a licensed HAM, much of the info about how radio can be used to do long range comms isn't new to me. However, there have been some interesting tidbits: morse transmission over CW is very narrow band and uses very little power.

Software for encoding and decoding morse code is available which makes long range packet radio a good method for sending text communications. Some questionably legal methods for transmitting crytologically secured messages come to mind.

It is legal to use cryptography on MURS frequencies, but the long range low power capabilities are lost. I'm looking forward to finding an inexpensive set of equipment that can be used in combination with GNU radio to exchange messages long range. Perhaps the unlicensed bands will be hospitable.


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