Psyched 0.1.4 Released

Posted by Eric Stein - November 23, 2010 CE @ 05:27:33 UTC

History of Psyched

I've been maintaining my calendar application for over 2 years now. The first release was in January 2008. I use in on my Nokia N900 daily, and on my Linux laptop at work. I plan on soon getting it added to the testing apt repositories for the N900 (freemoe). Right now it's not easy to invoke on Maemo, and requires installing libraries from the N810.

Today's Release

Today's release is nothing special: it just allows entering times and durations a bit more freeform, not requiring colons. This makes it easier to enter on a phone especially. There is a difference that exists here: before, any duration that didn't contain a colon character would be considered a decimal number of minutes; now, the colon is assumed to be entered, and anything to the left of the right-hand 2 digits is hours, not hundreds of minutes.

To download the release, check out the Psyched page.


New release coming soon...
#5220 - Eric Stein, December 12, 2010 CE @ 00:53:03 UTC
I've added a few more features in SVN. They include persistent calendar shown/hidden status and hiding completed tasks (as a preference). I have a few more ideas up my sleeves that I might get in there before I roll 0.1.5.

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