Scraps of Life

Posted by Eric Stein - April 27, 2008 CE @ 19:36:59 UTC
Today, I need to do a few things. I woke up relatively early for a Sunday, at 9AM. Feeling the monetary pinch of needing to feed myself, I did a couple hours of consulting work before breakfast - strangely, even though I was working, I felt like I was putting off my schoolwork. I'm not sure how it happened, but I am actually on top of things. It might have something to do with the ridiculous amount of work I did last week.

Back to my original point. I have to do some things today. Amont them are:

It's all pretty managable. I guess junior year is almost done, then. I'll be taking a few weeks before starting my full time job at Mercury to do some consulting work from home, spending time with family, and probably doing not a little bit of open source work on my personal projects. I have a few interesting ideas that I haven't started on yet.


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