I Love Panoramas

Posted by Eric Stein - March 5, 2009 CE @ 09:15:41 UTC
I've had a fascination with photography and capturing the moment for a long time. Back in November, I realized that the world of panoramas was within my grasp when hugin, a panorama stitching program popped up on Reddit. Since then I've learned quite a few of the finer points of hugin based panorama stitching and made 4 panoramas in total.

The White Mountains

Every Thanksgiving my Dad's side of the family makes a pilgrimage to Pinkham Notch in the White Mountains for a weekend of family, hiking, board games, and eating too much.

From Square Ledge

I took this shot from Square Ledge, overlooking the pass:

White Mountains Panorama
White Mountains Full Size Panorama

Lion's Head

That Saturday my cousin Jacob and I climbed up to Lion's head (foolishly without enough gear, but we survived). I got this view:

Lion's Head Panorama
Lion's Head Full Size Panorama

Vermont Weekend

Last weekend I went up to my friend Jack's Uncle's Friend Dave's house. I got these shots while there:

Sledding Hill

We decided to go sledding on Saturday. I got this one from the bottom of the hill.

Sledding Hill Panorama
Sledding Hill Full Size Panorama

Dave's House

As we were figuring out what to do with the day on Sunday, I stood in the corner and took a lot of photos of the inside of the house... here are the results!

Dave's House Panorama
Dave's House Full Size Panorama

Panoramas are Great

I hope you liked my work. If you like photography, you'll love panorama-ing, or whatever the verb for making panoramas is.
Last Edited March 5, 2009 CE @ 09:34:36 UTC


hobbit house?
#4688 - Geth Who, March 6, 2009 CE @ 01:40:30 UTC
Does panarama-ing make things show up curved, or is Dave a hobbit? I can't decide, because the mountain view is not curved, but Dave's house and the power line on the sledding hill are.
It depends!
#4690 - Eric Stein, March 6, 2009 CE @ 08:39:04 UTC
Hi Mom!

It's a stylistic choice. I decided to use the fisheye lens projection on Dave's house because it looked good that way. I could have made it flat looking pretty easily.

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