Apostrophe's arent difficult, people

Posted by Eric Stein - May 29, 2006 CE @ 06:31:49 UTC
There are very few things in life as annoying as misplaced apostrophes. 2 or 3 very simple rules will tell you when and where to use them, but lately it seems that almost nobody knows what those (very simple) rules are. Not to mention that 50% of those in-the-know don't care enough to move a finger half and inch and press down at the correct time. Often the perpetrator is a reasonable and intelligent person - but they hide it well behind their facade of grammatical stupidity.

This awful crime - known to be associated with parking in two spaces, leaving lights on uselessly for hours, and purposefully timing clocks forward in a vain attempt to make oneself wake up on time - is what is known as a 'pet peeve'.

In closing, here is Bob's quick guide to the apostrophe, you idiots.


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