Don't Forget About Conflict Minerals

Posted by Eric Stein - March 30, 2010 CE @ 02:00:06 UTC
Some time ago I posted to Facebook about the Congo Conflict Minerals Act of 2009 and how I believe it is important and should be passed. I recently remembered doing so and wondered whatever became of it. As usual, has a good deal of information about S. 891: Congo Conflict Minerals Act of 2009, which is currently stalled in the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. One of my Senators, Judd Gregg, is on that committee. I just sent Senator Gregg this letter via his online contact form:
Dear Senator Gregg,

As your constituent, I urge you to cosponsor and support S. 891, the Congo Conflict Minerals Act
of 2009.

I am sure you have heard of this bill and its importance as a member of the Senate Committee
on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - the committee this bill is currently referred to and
seemingly stalled in.

As a pacifist, I do not generally think forcing the United States' policies overseas is productive.
However, as (for the time being) an economic superpower, the United States has an obligation to use
monetary and public opinion pressures to improve the ethics of foreign governments.  I believe
this bill will help improve the lives of the people of Congo and the environment of the world in

Thank you for your consideration,
Eric Stein

If you've got an interest in the welfare of the people of Africa and how your consumer choices may be inadvertently having a serious negative impact on their lives, please do your research and contact your senators and representatives today.

Note, 6/28/2010

I got a response from Senator Gregg some time ago. He expressed his support for the bill. Unfortunately, as of today the bill is still stalled in committee.
Last Edited June 28, 2010 CE @ 23:11:16 UTC


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