German Mini Bundt Cakes

Posted by Eric Stein - January 17, 2009 CE @ 17:57:28 UTC
Cake. Everyone likes cake. I recently found my mini bundt pans.. so what to bake except mini bundt cakes? I found this recipe at but it was not complete.. I found some general figures for bundts and fleshed it out.

Looks tasty eh? Here's...

The Recipe

Prep time: 20 minutes
Bake time: 45 minutes


Nothing fancy there. You don't need yak milk or anything weird and hard to find like that.


Mmm, tasty. It's been suggested that I try chocolate drizzle next time. I'm thinking of either doing that, or lemon glaze next time.
Last Edited January 20, 2009 CE @ 06:29:31 UTC


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