Brexit Thoughts

Posted by Eric Stein - June 24, 2016 CE @ 14:38:09 UTC

So, Britain is either leaving the EU or renegotiating membership in it from a very bad position. Already markets are hurting badly and millions of people's futures are rapidly collapsing. Tons of people that voted for "Leave" have now been saying things along the lines of "I didn't think we'd actually do it" and "I was voting in protest, I didn't think my vote counted much".

This is a disaster. I am very sad for those few brits I know, seriously, I am.

Here in the U.S. we have got to make a choice this year between two um, options. Those options being:
I personally don't think that NATO and the UN are "obsolete" or "a game". With resources dwindling worldwide, and climate change (not just on our doorstep but inside the front room tracking mud on the rugs and carving its name into the doorjams with a bowie knife), we need unity in the world MORE than we ever have.

Remember, protest votes and "votes that don't count" can count. Be very careful what you do.


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