Amarok now playing... to remote irssi.

Posted by Eric Stein - July 26, 2007 CE @ 19:10:27 UTC
I've got frustrated typing out now playing information in irssi when I'm using my laptop. Today I fixed the problem.

On the laptop:

while (true) {
        system('echo "playing: `dcop amarok player artist` [`dcop amarok player album`] - `dcop amarok player title`"|ssh "cat > priv/playing.txt"');
        echo "sent info...\n";
        $c = array();
        $t = array();
        exec('dcop amarok player totalTime', $t);
        exec('dcop amarok player currentTime', $c);
        $c = explode(':', $c[0]);
        $t = explode(':', $t[0]);
        $w = intval($t[0]) * 60 + intval($t[1]) - intval($c[0]) * 60 - intval($c[1]) + 1;
        echo "waiting " . $w . " seconds...\n";

How it works: get current playing information from Amarok, and write this to a file on my server. Ask Amarok how long the track is going to play for, wait until the next track will have just started. Rinse, repeat.

On the server side, the script is very simple - all it has to do is cat the file into the current irc channel:
/alias m exec -o cat priv/playing.txt
It works like a charm:
[15:10:06] <@Toba|BSD> playing: Duran Duran [Greatest] - Is There Something I Should Know?


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