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Denny's light up signs... light upWin fabulous prizesJacob, Towa, and Andrew playing pool in the CCShocking that this hasn't been stolen, isn't it?Stoddard C is better than your dorm.Alumni FieldThe Seal
Barnes & Noble @ WPIHiggins Gardens from behind the Campus CenterGompei's Gutters, the on-campus bowling alleyCampus CenterAnother shot of Atwater KentFuller LabsAtwater Kent Laboratories
Sunlight through the trees between Fuller Labs and the LibraryKaven HallThe Gordon LibraryMore geek humorStudents eating at FAKAThe WPI seal on the window of FAKAProfessor Gennert teaching CS1101
WPI bandwidthDAKA cookiesDAKASince when is WPI upscale downtown?Frat bannersPete and Ryan caught on candid cameraFree BBQ on the quad
The rugby team in a huddleWPI footballConstruction of the new admissions building continuesPeople walking in front of Sanford RileyA beautiful day at the fountainThe fountain was very high todayMatt, Mike, and Nick bowling at Gompei's Gutters
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