WPI page 27 of 29

<3 duckyBut I *want* the devil ducky...2006-01-18_00042006-01-18_00032006-01-18_00022006-01-18_0001Some dude, Maurice, me, and Christian got a photo with him.
Stallman selling FSF merch (extra credit: getfirefox.com t-shirt)His holiness, St. Stallman of the church of GnuRichard Stallman @ WPIWalking towards the Stod QuadYes, they wrote SOTP on the road beside Daniels.  And then painted it over - with sub-par black paint.Tina got one as wellMaurice won a flashdrive that he didn't need
Maurice and Albe at the Oasis partyHeh.  I just had to add slashcode to the bathroom musings...Wow, HP printers are awesome.  Not.DAKA held an Iron Chef competitionMmm, leftover birthday cheesecakeZeta PsiLambda Chi Alpha
Sigma PiHighland StreetMaybe Ichabod Washburn founded this?Theta ChiMonument to the Uknown Something in Institute ParkKurt near Goddard, we were out taking photosGoddard (chem building)
Stratton HallQuick-draw photographyStory time with CarlosDrat, you got meI guess something's funnyCarlos, Maurice, and Mike at Denny'sDo not photograph the emperor
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