New Years '07 page 2 of 2

Cristi is also a pretty pretty princess.Cristi halfway posedKat and Tom being guitar heroes. (part 3)Kat and Tom being guitar heroes. (part 2)Kat and Tom being guitar heroes.2006-12-31_0010Longhair is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
Bryan wii bowling2006-12-31_0007'So then we DANCE ALL NIGHT LONG? YES.'  That's what I think they said, anyway.I don't remember what we were all happy about at that precise moment, but it was nice.Eric is a pretty pretty princess.2006-12-31_00022006-12-31_0001
You can't see it, but that's some guy driving on the wrong side of the road.It is extremely easy to get lost in this train station.2006-12-30_0002OH NO WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.
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