Family Photos page 17 of 18

Tasty2005-12-25_0018View out the front window at Grandma'sOne Christmas dinner, coming right up.Ornaments. And stuff.2005-12-24_0001Mel with her new nunchucks
The Joe Dodge LodgeThe Trading PostLunch @ PinkhamThis was gonna be wallpaper, but here it is.This game dragged on.  It continues next time Dad and Jacob see each other.Messing around on the iceThe view of Mt. Washington from Lost Pond
The ice only made ominous cracking noises 5 times.Debbie, Mom, Janice, and Judith on the thin iceJacob trying to make sense of Ken's projectNeil reading somethingSilhouette JacobA photo I took while photographing a photographer photographing non-photographers.Pinkham Notch
I still have hope, right?  Wrong.Neil, Dad, and Debbie playing ScrabbleUncle DanI almost got a candid photo of KenAnd he knows it.Gabriel is doomed.Uncle Jim is really good with these
Yes.  You DO see Nate and Jacob juggling knives.  Barefoot.Uncle Jim with his cameraWe played a lot of RiskNate reading A Feast for CrowsGabriel the budding pyromaniacMel doing... somethingJanice sees it coming, unlike Judith...
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