Family Photos page 16 of 18

2006-04-08_00032006-04-08_00022006-04-08_0001Dad on chute2006-03-04_00062005-12-27_00182005-12-27_0017
2005-12-27_00162005-12-27_00152005-12-27_0014Lunch the day after boxing day2005-12-27_00122005-12-27_00102005-12-27_0009
2005-12-27_0008Surprisingly, the disco ball actually goes with the other decorations.2005-12-27_0006The Singer table with decorations and paintingsGrandma's tree2005-12-27_0003Living room
Grandma's wreathDog nose closeupAndy with his nose sticking out of a blanketAndy investigating my cameraKen reverse engineering some bios or otherMel, Paula, Grandma, and MomA candid photo of Ken.  Shocking.
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