WPI page 23 of 29

2007-01-09_0003Chris decided the proper reaction to this was to tell the entire internet about it.I woke up, but my legs didn't.  I jumped out of my bunk and fell headlong into the bookshelf.  This is the result.2006-12-19_00572006-12-19_0056Nick's mii2006-12-19_0053
IMMA CHARGIN MY LAZOR (EYES)<rcaron> I WILL KILL YOU. WITH FIRE.2006-12-19_00502006-12-19_00492006-12-19_00482006-12-19_00472006-12-19_0046
2006-12-19_00452006-12-19_00442006-12-19_0042LONGCAT IS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG2006-12-19_00362006-12-19_00352006-12-19_0034
2006-12-19_00252006-12-19_00222006-12-19_00212006-12-19_00192006-12-19_00182006-12-19_0017I'm so wiitarded >:(
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