Skiing page 2 of 3

2006-03-12_0005Hitting that jump, nearly hitting the tower, flying down a rocky slope, and losing all my equipment happened here.  Not necessarily in that order.  By jump, I mean that slope behind the tower, not the bump of snow.2006-03-12_0002Mel getting ready to leaveI swear, we're all addicted to the internet.  We set up a LAN - ON VACATION.2006-03-11_0013<Gabriel> uh, why are you taking a picture?
Dad was less inclined to be insane.  He didn't know what was behind it....and flying off hapharzardlyMel sprinting towards the jumpFrom left: Gabriel, Mel, Judith, Ken, Dan, Dad, me...and almost running into meMel blitzing down Chute2006-03-11_0003
Yes, I took many gratuitous shots of my new skis today.a closer shot of the same treeTaken on AntelopeThe view towards lake Champlain from Stark's NestToo bad this shot is a bit washed outDad on chuteMe with my new skis and suit
2006-03-06_00032006-03-06_0002w00t, new skisMel being cold at the peak of General Stark Mt.Self-portait on the singleThe single chair covered in Rime iceDad in the lodge
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