Miscellaneous page 9 of 9

2007-05-03_00112007-05-03_00092007-05-03_00052007-05-03_00042007-05-03_0003visibleearth.nasa.gov + ImageMagick + povray = <32007-01-08_0001
There is a bat in my house.  Yipes.2006-07-24_0007EVERYWHERE GIRL! 2006-07-24_00042006-07-03_0014This is what my vision is like right now.  You can see why.Fear my balsa skills, noob.
2005-12-31_00022005-12-31_0001Same motor oil dispenser part, different anglePart of a motor oil dispenserMy chemical rack and WPI bannerStuff on my deskLook at me!  I'm 5, at the dentist's.
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